Guitar/Banjo #2069

A curvaceous beauty adorned with well done original hand tooled basket weave patterns on the shoulder piece. Close-up photos sent on request. This is a left-handed strap made to cross the right shoulder of a left handed player.

$145.00 Plus Shipping


Status Available
Shoulder Piece Size 15 1/2" long by 2 1/2" wide where it will cross your shoulder, tapering to 1 3/4” wide at the tail end.
Shoulder Piece Leather Top shelf quality harness leather. Thick and heavy duty and very soft and supple.
Shoulder Piece Stitching Artificial sinew hand sewn into the original needle holes.
Shoulder Piece Distressed Level Medium/low. A well used piece showing a little surface wear and minor color shading but the tooling details are still sharp.
Shoulder Piece Notables The curved shape would work best attached to the heel button of a guitar or the bracket bolts on a banjo. Since the shoulder piece doesn’t slide on the strap to adjust position I’ll also need an additional measurement to properly locate it for you. Fully lined on the bottom with new suede leather.
Strap Style Western Rein
Strap Width 5/8"
Strap Leather Excellent quality, heavy duty, and butter soft. Skived just enough to level out the thickness. Hand dressed and burnished edges and slicked smooth on the bottom.
Strap Distressed Level Medium. Well aged and no issues.
Strap Notables A few inches on each were skived thin enough to make a neat and flexible connection to the shoulder piece and securely fastened with two rows of double stitched artificial sinew.