Guitar/Banjo #2186

Well done original hand tooling on a slightly curved shoulder piece. A very sturdy but lightweight strap that would best carry any of the larger acoustics although certainly capable of handling an electric or heavy banjo. The curved shoulder piece is symmetrical so it would suit either a right or left handed player. Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll set it up to cross the left shoulder for a right handed player.

$165.00 Plus Shipping


Status SOLD
Shoulder Piece Size 16" long by 2" wide the full length.
Shoulder Piece Leather Very supple tooling leather. Tooling leather is “harder” than harness leather and readily accepts and holds the fine tooling details indefinitely.
Shoulder Piece Stitching Artificial sinew hand sewn into the original needle holes.
Shoulder Piece Distressed Level Low. I believe this piece was made sometime in the 90’s but it’s in excellent condition.
Shoulder Piece Notables Extremely well done Flowering Vine hand tooling and the fine details are sharp and clear.. Email me if you’d like some closer photos. The bottom of the shoulder piece is lined with new suede leather. Since the shoulder piece doesn’t slide on the strap to adjust position I’ll also need an additional measurement to properly locate it for you.
Strap Style Western Rein
Strap Width 5/8"
Strap Leather Butter soft and the absolute finest quality. Lightly skived to level out the thickness, with original hand dressed and burnished top edges. I dressed and burnished the bottom edges and slicked it smooth on the back side.
Strap Distressed Level Medium with no issues.
Strap Notables A few inches on each were skived thin enough to make a neat and flexible connection to the shoulder piece and securely fastened two rows of double stitched artificial sinew. Includes a custom set-up to your specs for length and attachment points.