Guitar/Banjo #2192 – SOLD

This one is not vintage leather but it will make some guitar very happy. It’s made from lightly used and perfectly matched leather of very nice quality that had found its way into my leather stash. Except for the light surface wrinkles acquired during its short time in the equestrian business, the leather could almost pass for new. The slightly curved shoulder piece favors the left shoulder of a right handed player and would be suitable for either a headstock or heel button attachment.

$145.00 Plus Shipping


Status Available
Shoulder Piece Size 16" long by 2" wide where it will cross your shoulder, tapering slightly to the tail.
Shoulder Piece Leather Top shelf quality, pure black harness leather. Very soft and supple and a full 1/8“ thick.
Shoulder Piece Stitching Artificial sinew hand sewn into the original needle holes.
Shoulder Piece Distressed Level Low with zero issues.
Shoulder Piece Notables Dressed and burnished edges and lined on the bottom with new suede leather.The matching leather strap guide keeps the rein strap centered on the curved shoulder piece.
Strap Style Western Rein
Strap Width 5/8"
Strap Leather Absolute top shelf quality, butter soft harness leather. Matches the same classy leather of the shoulder piece. Slightly skived to level out the thickness with dressed and burnished edges and a slicked smooth bottom.
Strap Distressed Level Low with zero issues.
Strap Notables Fits snug in the custom cut and shaped strap slots and the shoulder piece won’t slide without intentional help. Includes a custom fit for length and attachment points specified by the buyer.