Mandolin #474

A no-frills, plain Jane strap that could pass as original equipment on the oldest of mandolins. This one is a historical artifact that would best serve a very old and distressed instrument. Despite its appearance, the leather is in great condition and would be fine for either daily use or adorning an old instrument hanging in your home or office.

$75.00 Plus Shipping


Status Available
Shoulder Piece Size 10” long by 1 3/8" wide.
Shoulder Piece Leather Very old and butter soft harness leather.
Shoulder Piece Stitching None
Shoulder Piece Distressed Level High. Visibly aged and color shaded.
Shoulder Piece Notables NO SUEDE LINING. The bottom is original and worn very smooth.
Strap Style Western Rein
Strap Width 1/2"
Strap Leather Top shelf quality. Butter soft and a pleasure to handle. Looks rough but still strong enough to stop a horse.
Strap Distressed Level High with a very distressed character Skived down to 1/8” in thickness with dressed and burnished edges the full length. Slicked smooth on the bottom..
Strap Notables Fits tight in the custom cut and shaped strap slots and the strap will not slide thru the strap slots while in use. Includes a custom setup to buyers specs for length and attachment points.