Mandolin #479

Top shelf harness leather – cleaned, rejuvenated, and transformed into one fine mandolin strap. The curved shape favors the left shoulder of a right handed player. Perfect for your old Gibson A and not too shabby for your brand new custom F.

$115.00 Plus Shipping


Status Available
Shoulder Piece Size 8” long by 1 1/2" wide where it will cross your shoulder, tapering to 1 1/8” on the tail.
Shoulder Piece Leather Thick and very supple English pebble leather – the good stuff. About 3/16” in thickness including the suede leather lining on the bottom.
Shoulder Piece Stitching Artificial sinew, hand sewn into my hand punched needle holes.
Shoulder Piece Distressed Level Medium/low. The pebbling on the surface has been worn but is still quite visible.
Shoulder Piece Notables The curved shape and rounded ends were hand shaped and the edges are dressed and burnished the full perimeter. Oiled leather lacing strap guide keeps the rein strap centered on the shoulder piece. New suede leather lining on the bottom.
Strap Style Western Rein
Strap Width 1/2"
Strap Leather Butter soft top shelf harness leather. I skived the original thickness down to 1/8” then hand dressed and burnished the top and bottom edges the full length and slicked it smooth on the underside.
Strap Distressed Level Medium/low. Age darkened but no issues at all.
Strap Notables Strap slots were carefully cut and shaped to grip the rein strap tight and the shoulder piece will not slide on the strap without intentional help. No attachments have been added yet so all custom fitting options are open.